After vacations, children is instructed to write a “my vacations” composition. This is “my vacations” blog ;-) I’ve been to Italy looking to some of the greatest projects of mankind - Coliseum, Caracala Baths, Sistine Chapel…
Tourists usually think: “Uau! That’s big / old / beautiful”, or something more elaborated like “That’s a fundamental part of human history” or “Too many people died here”.
I must admit that my PM (project manager) bias took me to a particular version: “Uau! Without gantt or pert diagrams (or MS-Project) or even without any Excel Spreadsheet!!!”
PMs usually complain against these tools and the triple constraint (time, money and scope) - I imagine how these old PMs could control and deliver without these tools or EVA techniques etc. Depending on their mistakes I imagine a PM could be “invited” to be part of the show with lions…
As expected, I tried to research on “ancient project management” - I could not find any references. I found material stating that project management started in the last century but on the other hand stating that everything is a project… what a contradiction.
The reader probably noticed I love to add new techniques to my repertoire. I believe we could learn a lot looking at the past. Why should we reinvent the wheel all the time? This entry is too much philosophical… and I have no material or conclusion to offer. I hope this comparison at least brings you some insight as it did to me.
