Maintaining a blog sometimes is a difficult task, specially when you’re in the middle of a battle. It takes discipline and the belief that your ideas and experience could improve someone else’s.
There are some tools to assist you in writing a blog but I discovered that my old palm and a simple sheet of paper can work better than new editors or browser plugins that allow you to post from any webpage. Maybe I’m facing a corollary of KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid).
On the other hand, reading many blogs is almost impossible without a specific tool. I had a good time using RSSOwl and now I’m using GreatNews, both are free. I tried the Google Reader version of it but I’m usually offline when reading the blogs – usually at the airport.
I also use my iPod to follow podcasts. If you’re a project manager I recommend Jerry Manas Project Results Podcast.
What are you using to follow my blog? Leave your experience as a comment here!